Sapcar Windows

Hi, You should be able to download a windows version of SAPCAR.exe from and then navigate to a windows kernel patch. Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works. The SAP Download Manager is a free-of-charge tool that allows you to download multiple files simultaneously, or to schedule downloads to run at a later point in time. Software found in your download basket is visible in the SAP Download Manager. Note that to download software the Software Download authorization is required.

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SAPCAR (CAR) - the ZIP-Utility of SAP - How does it work ?

SAPCAR (older version was called CAR) is a compress utility (similar to winzip, tar, etc.), that is used by SAP to compress and decompress nearly all delivered files.

  • SAPCAR in general
  • How to list the contents of CAR and SAR Files ?
  • How to extract (decompressing) CAR and SAR Files ?
  • How to compress files to CAR or SAR Files ?
  • '7-Zip' - a totally free file archiver with highest compression ratio - far better than WinZip
  • Winzip and Easyzip 2000 as GUI based tools
  • SAPCAR online help with all supported command line options and further examples
Sapcar windows download

SAPCAR in general:

SAPCAR (older version was called CAR) is a compress utility (similar to winzip, tar, zip, gz, etc.) , that is used by SAP to compress and decompress nearly all delivered files and executables.

On Windows Operating Systems, the executables are called SAPCAR.EXE and CAR.EXE.

The compressed files are having the extension '.CAR' or '.SAR'.
This utility reaches up to 90-95% compression ratio similar to Winzip for text files - binary files are not compressed that good, as this is just not possible. So, it is not useful to compress .CAR or .SAR files with Winzip, because you would no longer benefit with shrinking down in the size.

SAPCAR and CAR are both command line based tools. The syntax is similar to the in the unix enviroment used TAR utility (tar -xvf ...). There does not exist a graphical interface as used to from WinZip.

Difference between CAR and SAR Files

In the past SAP developed the tool and named it CAR. The extensions of all compressed files were named '.CAR' as well. In SAP release 4.6C SAP decided to enhance the functionality of the CAR utility a bit. Therefore, the internal structure of the compressed files slightly changed. Because of this, it was necessary to create a new extension. There the new extension '.SAR' was born and the new utility was named SAPCAR.
The new SAPCAR utility can work with both formats (.CAR & .SAR). The older version CAR can only decompress .CAR files. So, it is advisable to switch - even in older releases - to the newer toolkit named SAPCAR, because SAP sometimes delivers even for older releases SAR Files already.

You can download the latest version of the CAR or SAPCAR in the SAP Service Marketplace. As the binaries are different for each platform, you should have a look at the following link to the releases 4.6D and higher as SAPCAR became available with 4.6C: Download CAR or SAPCAR in the Kernel Patch directories

How to list the contents of CAR and SAR Files ?


How to extract (decompressing) CAR and SAR Files ?

How to compress files to CAR or SAR Files ?

Sapcar Windows Vista


'7-Zip' - a totally free file archiver with highest compression ratio - far better than WinZip:


If you are insterested in a free and GUI based tool, that has a 30%-70% better compression ratio than WinZip, hat a look at 7-Zip !

Winzip and Easyzip 2000 as GUI based tools:

In opposite to SAPCAR and CAR the utilities Easyzip 2000 and Winzip for Windows do have a graphical user interface as well, which makes a lot things easier. If you are interested in these features especially in Easyzip 2000 - which is freeware - have a look at Easyzip 2000 & Winzip.
Unfortunately, they are not able to compress and decompress CAR and SAR files. So, if you are dealing with them, you have to use CAR and SAPCAR.

Sapcar Windows Command

SAPCAR online help with all supported command line options and further examples:

Sapcar In Windows

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Sapcar Windows 10


Sapcar Windows 10 Download

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